Granny Daycare

Every Friday, my wonderful mama gives my budget a break and watches Bubba for me while I work at her house. This is obviously awesome for me – in addition to the money savings, I love seeing my mom every week; plus, since it’s the only day of the week I have to commute, I treat myself to a delicious Goldstein’s blueberry bagel and a large Mr. Pibb (breakfast of champions) as a reward for getting up at the crack of dawn to battle LA traffic – but Ry Ry is an even bigger fan of the arrangement than I!

Everything is fresh and exciting at Grandma’s, and her house is perfect for a curious little lad: lots of carpet to crawl on (and no pesky stairs!), a plethora of toys (most of them are pink and girly, thanks to The Big Girl Cousins’ dominance over Grandma’s house, but no matter), and Grandma doesn’t mind if you do stuff like to chase around a pillar candle as if it were a soccer ball:

bubba crawling with candle

And she agrees that the hearth makes a perfect training platform to practice going up and down a step:

And takes you outside to help with the yardwork (I wasn’t joking about all the pink toys – pink or not, that saucer is bitchin’):

Bubba watching grandma water the plants

And gives you cookies in the cool big kid booster seat:

baby in highchair

And even lets you practice your crime solving by breaking into Grandpa’s safe:

ryan cracking the safe

Grandma is the coolest!

Thanks for operating the world famous You Can Count On Grandma Daycare Service – the top choice of grateful (and cheap) daughters everywhere since 1998. Please never close up shop!

13 thoughts on “Granny Daycare

    • Hehehe… by the time you and H have kids, you may to rely on your big sisters to babysit instead πŸ™‚ I recommend beginning your preemptive groveling now…

  1. The breakfast of champions could be Oreos and diet coke….just sayin. I was just telling my manager yesterday that DH and I are hoping my parents will move south when we start a family. Do you think that You Can Count On Grandma Daycare Service can incorporate or franchise at that point?

  2. We had a most enjoyable excursion to Trader Joe’s together as well! It’s a treat to see both of you on Fridays.

  3. Grandma’s are the best!! I found my mom giving the boy licks or her Greek yogurt pop a few days ago. They both looked at me like, “uh-oh. we’re caught.” He couldn’t have been happier!

  4. Well, I for one have to remember about Fridays when I call my big sis for our daily “what did you find of any interest at the thrift store today” phone call. Bubba takes naps and God forbid I drop a bomb on Sis that I found a Nat Nast or a Reyn Spooner for $2.00! Sometimes when we’re on the phone, Mo will poke her head out of the room and wonder if Granny has neglected her duties because we get so excited during our calls!!!

  5. Pingback: Top Ten Tuesday: No More Babies (Yet) | The Baby Is Fine

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