No Fair!

Despite having grown up in Los Angeles, last year was the first time I made it to the LA County Fair. I was almost 7 months pregnant and IT. WAS. GLORIOUS. Do you have any idea how good fried food tastes when you’re pregnant and don’t give a shit about how fattening it is?!


Tragically, I didn’t get a photo of the epic mound of funnel cake I consumed (probably because I inhaled it before TFW could retrieve the camera), but believe me: ’twas divine.

Food aside, I also enjoyed the sights and sounds of the fair (petting zoo! Weird exhibits! Games that can’t be won!). The whole day, I kept pointing to things and exclaiming “when we come next year, the baby will love that!” or “will the baby be old enough for a bite of this next year?” I’ve literally been looking forward to taking the baby to the fair since we walked through the gates last year.

We planned to go last weekend, but the heat was so unbearable we decided to put it off until this weekend and hope the weather would be marginally better. We were cutting it close, since it was shutting down after the weekend, but we figured it’d be worth the wait even if it was just a few degrees cooler.


More specifically, the baby blew it.

Actually, no, my snot-nosed two-year-old niece (I love you dearly, Carly) blew it.

After spending all day Friday with Patient Zero and another couple hours with her on Saturday, Bubba woke up Sunday morning with a full-blown cold. Coughing. Mucus. FEVER!

There was no way I could take him to the fair like that. Somehow I don’t think corn dogs and fried Snickers would have tasted as good with a crying, feverish baby on my lap. Oh yeah, and spending a 95-degree day with thousands of germy people wouldn’t have been good for his health, either.

So instead of reprising this photo with a baby on my hip rather than in my belly:

I spent the day making the baby cry every time I wiped his nose (so, 489042308234890 times):

No funnel cake. No petting zoo. No souvenir plastic soda cups. NO FAIR!

Next year, I’ll quarantine him in the weeks leading up to the fair to ensure this doesn’t happen again. I LOVE YOU, FUNNEL CAKE! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!

4 thoughts on “No Fair!

  1. As I told you this evening, I caught Car-Car’s cold too. The constant runny nose is most unpleasant. I haven’t had a cold for three years.

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