One Year Wrap-Up: We Survived!

OK, technically it hasn’t quite been a year yet — Bubba won’t actually turn one till Saturday. But in anticipation of his first birthday, I’ve been in a reminiscing sort of mood, pouring over the thousands of photos I’ve taken of the dear lad and alternating between smiling at all the happy memories and getting choked up as I wonder where all the time went (ugh, could I be any cornier? I’m rolling my eyes at myself so you don’t have to).

Somehow it simultaneously feels like it’s been five minutes and five years since we went from this:

(taken exactly one year ago today!)

To this:

And then, seemingly in a blink of the eye, this:

So what have we been doing this past year? I’m so glad you asked! Let’s pull out the ol’ TI-89 and crunch the numbers (because everything’s more fun when quantified!):

5: Number of hours post-birth it took me to realize that I really and truly wasn’t going to get any sleep for a long, long time. I cried.

3: Maximum number of consecutive hours the baby slept for the first six weeks of his life. Here’s a sampling of my agony, courtesy of Facebook:

3: Days it took me to admit that I HATED breastfeeding (I’m sorry, Bubba!).

7: Weeks I managed to keep up the nursing (purely motivated by guilt!) before I finally allowed myself to quit (I’m so sorry, Bubba!).

100 to 1: Ratio of feelings of relief versus guilt I’ve experienced since putting the kibosh on the boob-feeding (apparently I wasn’t really all that sorry).

$960: Approximate number of dollars we’ve spent on formula since then.

5: Minutes I spent gagging after calculating that just now.

300: Approximate number of times I cried during the first month of Bubba’s life.

99: Percentage of said cry-fests that were a direct result of lack of sleep (“I’m so….sob, hiccup, sob…TIRED!!!!”).

1: Number of times I cried because I wanted to consume a giant fountain Dr. Pepper but couldn’t because I feared the caffeine might seep into my breastmilk and make the baby’s sleep issues worse (this one may or may not have been due to the lack of sleep as well, to be fair. That, and fountain Dr. Pepper is just so good).

4: Months it took Bubba to even begin to master the art of sleeping through the night.

10: Number of times I woke up to check on him that first glorious sleep-filled night, certain that something was wrong with him.

2: Average number of times I wake up to check on him during the night nowadays, still unconvinced that he could really be sleeping so peacefully for so many uninterrupted hours.

1,825: Number of times TFW has rolled his eyes and said “the baby is FINE!” in reply to one of my neurotic fears (figuring conservatively at 5 times per day).

8: Months it took for my tailbone (which somehow sustained an injury during labor; were you aware that was possible? I sure wasn’t) to heal. EIGHT MONTHS!

9: Months it took me to lose the baby weight. I’m still getting over the shock — I was certain I was going to give birth to a 30 pound baby. Six pounds?!

2: Pairs of pre-baby jeans that STILL DON’T FIT. These hips don’t lie 😦

<10: Number of times TFW and I have gone out sans baby. Maybe next year…

2,000+: Number of photos I’ve taken of the poor kid. And unlike some of these other figures, this is sadly not an exaggeration.

10: Number of times per day I have to restrain myself from posting gushing/bragging baby-related photos and statuses to Facebook lest I irritate every human gracious enough to put up with me (and I’m sure I still manage to annoy people with the few items I do share…but seriously, if you don’t enjoy photos of a cute baby trying to climb into various boxes and baskets, perhaps the internet is not the place for you).

54,750: Number of times I’ve told Bubba I love him (figuring conservatively at 150 times per day).

0: Number of moments I’ve regretted having this child.

Uh oh, I’m getting all sappy and teary-eyed again…

OK, I’m smiling again.

44 thoughts on “One Year Wrap-Up: We Survived!

  1. Pingback: The Baby Is Fine - The SITS Girls

  2. hahaha – My advice to any young mom is “when you cry it’s because you’re exhausted – not because you’re a bad mom – you may think you’re a bad mom, but you’re the best mom for your baby – you’re just buggered!”

  3. Hi Maureen, here from SITS. Your babe is super cute. Your hubby is similar to mine. Please come and visit my blog, although my babes is a bit younger, he is cute too…

  4. So funny! 2000 pictures! Wow. I wish I had taken more pictures of my kids when they were small. As for breast feeding, I had no choice but to brave it on! Simple could not afford formula. All 7 children and the longest is my youngest, she went on until she was almost 4 and my mother-in-law forbids me to breastfeed her anymore. LOL. I don’t need to say more on that! But Bubba is just so adorable. They grow so fast.

    • Camera phones make it so easy to snap a gazillion photos anytime, anyplace! 🙂

      You are AWESOME for breastfeeding for so long. I wish I could have stuck it out at least a little longer. I have heard that it does get easier after a few months – at the time, I just could not fathom how I could make it through those first few months! It didn’t help that I had to go back to work right away (pumping is even worse than nursing!). If/when baby #2 comes along I am going to try to keep it up for 3 months and see if it really does get easier.

  5. This list was just too freaking adorable..!
    I love baby posts and baby pics. These days he’s almost 2 and although funny as heck, not as cute and cuddly. Most times, he can’t be bothered with the camera. lol

  6. This is such an amazing tale! Even though events described here are very routine like for the first year after birth, you wrote it in such an interesting way. Bubba is so adorable and you know the sleepless nights that you had to go through is all worth it when you look at his face 🙂
    Keep writing!

  7. Time certainly goes by WAY too fast! My little guy is 2 and it still feels like yesterday when we brought him home from the hospital. We are now talking about when to start trying for baby #2, which seems crazy, but we can’t wait!

    Happy SITS Day! I look forward to following your blog!

  8. This is GREAT! I love the quantification, personally. I totally agree with comment #1…you’re about the most gorgeous Momma-to-be. Sheez! If you weren’t so funny I’d have to hate you!

    I have one son…he’s 6 now…and it seems like yesterday I was posting things like this. Enjoy, Every. Second.
    Happy SITS Day!!

  9. SO adorable you looked prego!!! Both my kids didn’t sleep through the night until a YEAR OLD!!!! I was completely sleep deprived and hormonal and a MESS of a mom!!! I get it all, my new mom friend!!! I get it all. Happy SITS DAY!!!

    • Thanks! Prego was a good look for me primarily because of the boobs, methinks (they are essentially nonexistent in my normal life). And yes, the sleep deprivation + hormone wackiness = INSANITY those first few months! Scares me a bit to think of having another…hehe 🙂

  10. Love this post!!! I totally relate! Our babies are soooooo worth it, worth all the tears, the lack of sleep, the messes, the fears… Our babies are the most precious gift and its such an amazing love to have for someone else!!! Being a mommy is truly the best thing ever!

  11. Your baby is soooo cute. I have one question. Does it hurt to breast feed? My mom said she tried it once with my older sister and she said it did. She eventually just gave my sister and I formula when we were babies.

    • Hi Jenine! Breastfeeding was really hard. It hurt a bit at first, but for me the hardest part was that it was NON-STOP (the baby seriously wanted to eat like every 30 minutes). I also had to go back to work really early so I had to pump, and pumping was painful and awkward and I really hated that. I think if I was a stay at home mom I probably could have lasted a little bit longer, because I could have just settled in on the couch and accepted that I’d have a baby chained to my boob for a while. It seems like the breastfeeding experience is different for everyone – some people love it and have no problems, other people have a lot of pain, and others just don’t enjoy it. I say do whatever works for you – a happy mama is better for baby! 🙂

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