Diagnosis: Baby Fever

Folks, I’m afraid I have bad news:

My brain is malfunctioning.

Something has gone awry, and my poor little brain has lost its ability to think rationally. Memories from just one year ago have become fuzzy. Emotions are running wild.

I have baby fever. A bad, bad case.

Why, brain, WHY? Why on earth would you think having another baby would be a good idea?!

I have a beautiful, brilliant, fun, fulfilling fifteen-month-old child who sleeps through the night. We’re done buying formula, and it’s finally getting easier to take the kid out and about and get things done like normal humans. Sometimes he even sits down and watches TV for five minutes! We’re moving further and further away from the myriad horrors of baby-ville (sleepless nights, nursing and endless bottle mixing, spitup EVERYWHERE), and I should be celebrating the end of the hard times and excitedly anticipating how much easier our lives will be as Bubba gets older…

But nope: my brain is convinced it wants another baby. Oh, how the jealousy courses through me when I see a pregnant lady! The very sight of a newborn all curled up in its carrier makes my heart ache. Babies are just so precious and snuggly — they’re literally tiny bundles of pure joy! Plus, I looked spectacular when I was pregnant (those curves, people!) — what’s not to love?!

Of course, the miniscule portion of my brain that maintains a weak grasp on logic recognizes that having another baby would, in reality, be a very bad idea. If I were pregnant right now, I’d probably have a stress-induced nervous breakdown — who would watch this child while I worked, and how would we pay for it? When would I sleep!? And what about my sweet Bubba — how would this affect my ability to smother him with attention at all possible opportunities?

Plus, I’d have to do it all as a single mother since a pregnancy would surely give my poor husband a heart attack.

So I’m desperately seeking a cure for this debilitating case of Baby Fever. Maybe Bubba will revert to waking up every three hours and remind me of how much I value my sleep and how quickly I would be driven to insanity if I had to go through that again? Cross your fingers!

There’s not enough room in my lap for another little critter, anyway.

8 thoughts on “Diagnosis: Baby Fever

  1. Just wait until Bubba gets sick, that should set you straight for awhile, it won’t cure it for good. OR, maybe, you should go grocery shopping with Bubba and just stand there awhile and watch all the other people shopping with multiple children, now, that might do the trick.

  2. My baby fever has never gone away. Seriously. My uterus still hurts when I see little ones. Sorry I have no advice on this one on how to get rid of it!

  3. Oh, I kinda have it too and I still have a baby! An 8-month-old who still is at the breast a lot and doesn’t always sleep through the night. Can’t walk. Can’t talk. A total baby. And he’s my second and supposedly “my last.” I shudder to how I will feel when he turns one or two. My husband is already afraid too.

  4. Love the picture. You look gorgeous!!

    Well girls, the good news is mother nature takes care of your baby yearning with hormones. However, won’t happen until about 40. So enjoy!!!!

  5. Great thought! Go forth and multiply. Your Mom should draw a family tree somewhere if one does not already exist. The family must have toddlers. I wonder what the greatest time span between newborns is?

  6. My baby’s at 18 months and while I’d love to cuddle a newborn, there’s still no baby fever here, thank god. I know I’m not ready to give up my sleep again.
    My boyfriend’s ex got baby fever when her son was 6 months old, and that’s how his daughter was born. Crazy stuff, if you ask me.

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