Top Ten Tuesday: Who The Hell Needs That?! Me.

I have a really hard time spending money on myself. I’m very generous when it comes to presents or favors or loans and the like, but tubes of mascara have to be literally dried to crumbs before I will splurge on a new one (and we’re not talking Lancome here, people. Maybe its Maybelline!). Get my nails done or break the bank by downloading some new books for the ol’ Kindle? Non-essential and thus unapproved!

It’s not a lack of funds — I just have a hard time justifying indulging in something that benefits no one but myself. Perhaps intensive therapy to bolster my self-esteem is in order, but that sounds like a lot of work.

And it’s not just my money that I don’t want spent on stuff for me. When TFW and I went to register for wedding gifts a few years back, I had a full-scale meltdown in the middle of the Macy’s housewares department, right in front of the display of overpriced pots and pans. My oblivious husband-to-be was using that scanner like it was going out of style (“and I declare, our linen closet shall be stocked with enough towels for every man, woman and child this side of the Mississippi! AND EXTRA WINE GLASSES FOR ALL!!”), while I was inching closer to mental breakdown with every addition. After bickering with him about which pots and pans to select, I burst into panicky tears (literally — this tale is not hyperbole, sadly):

“I can’t do it! I just cannot ask people to buy us this cookware! We could find it on for half the price!!!”

I eventually just started wildly scanning whatever items were within arms’ reach in a mad dash to finish the task while TFW wondered what was wrong with his fiance (and why we couldn’t get the fancy toaster). I fretted over every single item we registered for right up until the day I received said gifts and realized how awesome it is to have people outfit your home with brand new stuff at no personal expense.

(Seriously, though — $100 for a frickin’ wok?! If you don’t experience complete emotional collapse at the sight of that price tag, I’m not sure we can be friends.)

I tried to learn from the experience. When it was time to register for my baby shower, I gave myself a pep talk: I would not freak out in Babies R Us (not even about their stupid name). I would not let guilt get the best of me and put only the cheapest crap on the list. This stuff was for the baby and he deserved nice stuff! I even brought my big sis along since she has two young children and would be able to advise me on which items I’d want to make sure to include.

The experience wasn’t as bad as The Great Macy’s Meltdown of ’09 (never forget), but I still found myself scoffing at about two thirds of the items on the registry guide. Do people really use all this stuff? I wondered. Surely most of these items were just expensive filler, perhaps trends or fads perpetuated by The Real Teen Mom Housewives’ Beverly Hills Nanny or something. I stuck to the essentials and figured I would have everything I needed and more when the baby arrived.

Of course, as anyone who has had a child knows, babies necessitate a lot of crap. Ridiculous crap, things that you would never dream of purchasing were there not a tiny human screaming in your arms. Once the baby arrived and we started getting settled in with him, I realized I had grossly miscategorized many, many items as “unnecessary”. As it turns out, a lot of ridiculous shit magically becomes critical to survival as soon as you become a parent. Behold…

The top ten things I thought were frivolous and then totally went out and purchased after the baby arrived when I realized that anything that makes your life even 1% easier is worth its weight in gold when there is a screaming baby and overtired mama involved:

10) Bottle warmer:

Before baby: “Are you kidding me?! Are people not familiar with the hot water that comes right out of their kitchen sink, which can be collected in a bowl and into which one can submerge a bottle for warming purposes?”

After baby: “Five minutes is entirely too long to wait for this godforsaken bottle to warm in hot water. Do you not hear him crying, writhing in pain from the hunger?! There’s got to be a better way!

9) Swaddle wraps:

Before baby: “I don’t get it. Just wrap a blanket around him. We’ve got lots of blankets, we’re good here.”

After baby: “For the love of christ, why won’t he sleep?!?! What’s this I hear about swaddling? It comforts them? Go forth and purchase the most glorious swaddler money can buy!”

bad swaddling job

Exhibit A: this is NOT swaddling. This is just a blanket wrapped around a five-day-old baby so loosely he was able to bust his arms out in the time it took me to set him down and take this photo.

8) Bassinet:

Before baby: “We’re getting a Pack N Play anyway (for all those trips we definitely will never take). He can sleep in there in our room until he’s ready to move into his crib. Why would we buy something he’s only going to use for a few months?”

After baby: “I just googled ‘baby will only sleep in carseat’ and this little rocking bassinet thing was recommended. You have one hour to go pick it up from Babies R Us before I die from lack of sleep and you are left to figure out what to do with this kid by yourself.”

7) “Womb sounds”/white noise machine thingy:

Before baby: “What the hell is this?!”

After baby: “ says it soothes babies and helps them sleep. Did you hear me? POTENTIAL SLEEP IMPROVEMENT!!!”

6) Breastpump:

Before baby: “I’m only going to have to pump a couple times a day during work, and they’re so expensive. I can just borrow that old one my sister has in her garage (which she inherited from our aunt…like 14 years ago).”

After baby: “This. Is. Torture. I will pay any amount of money for anything that might be easier to use and was perhaps manufactured during my lifetime.”

5) Diaper Genie:

Before baby: “This is a scam, right? A special trashcan cannot possibly be necessary.”

After baby: “Wow. Diapers smell a lot worse than I remembered from when my sisters were babies. Like…a lot worse. Are they putting something in diapers that combines with poop to make it smell worse, just to torture us? Because this can’t be normal.”

4) Second carseat:

Before baby: “There’s only one of him, and henceforth we only need one carseat. We’ll just switch it between our cars when we need to, duhhhhhhhhh.”

After baby: “Holy mother of god could they have made these ‘latch’ things any more difficult to tighten?! I am never switching this monstrosity between cars again, so either buy another one or I’m just gonna start strapping the kid to the roof and hoping for the best.”

3) Umbrella stroller:

Before baby: “We’ve got the regular stroller and my sis is giving us her old jogging stroller. Why on earth would we need a THIRD stroller, much less one that’s tiny and flimsy and looks more appropriate for a doll than a human child?”

After baby: “Those strollers are giant and way too much work to wrangle for a quick jaunt into Target. I get it now. I’ll take the one with dinosaurs on it, please.”

2) New larger clothes (for me):

Before baby: “I’m not naive; I know I won’t be back to my normal size immediately…but I’ll just schlep around in jammie and leggings for the first few weeks until my old clothes fit again.”

After baby: “HAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! HAHAHAHAHAHHA….hahahaha. Ha. Um, hello, Express. Help me. Clothe this mishapen body, I beggeth of thou.”

1) Glow-in-the-dark space pajamas:

Before baby: “My goal is to purchase as few clothing items for this child as we can possibly get away with. We received plenty at the shower and he’s got tons of hand-me-downs; there’s no need to buy anything more.”

After baby: “OH. MY. GOD. I don’t even care what they cost, I will mortgage my entire future to see my adorable child in these adorable pajamas. ADORABLE!”

Don’t worry, they were only $14. Totally worth it:

glow in the dark space pajamas!

74 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Who The Hell Needs That?! Me.

  1. Visiting from SITS and LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. While I do enjoying spending money I can totally relate to most of the things you have listed here. As a mother of twins I initially thought I could get away with one of everything. Nope. Two was essential for survival!

    • “necessary for survival” is totally different when it comes to baby stuff! I can’t believe you tried to get by with just one of everything – I’m guessing that plan lasted about 48 hours? hehhee! As a big sister to twins, I can assure you that you’ll be buying two of everything for the next many, many years… 😉

  2. Oh, my gosh, I’m the same exact way. I have so little make up…I have enough to make myself look presentable, but I have friends who have cabinets full of it….I feel like maybe I don’t take good enough care of myself, but then I think maybe I’m just not being ridiculous. I dunno.

    And our post baby lists were very similar! Then it’s so funny to see what you think you absolutely need and then use once-never.

    • Make up is way too expensive to have cabinets full of!

      You are so right about the stuff we ended up rarely using (including, but not limited to a “sleep timer” – um, couldn’t we have just used, ya know, a TIMER?) I’ll have to do a whole post of those at some point!

  3. Visiting from Sits. LOL I am soooo like you my husband ends up just putting things up on the counter for me because I won’t buy them for myself, my bras and underwear look very pitiful because after all WHO SEES IT. Loved reading, will be back to visit.

  4. I think we are the same person because I just had the, “ok, you’re going to feel weird registering for all this stuff but TRUST ME, YOU NEED IT,” conversation with a pregnant friend. I told her that right now she thinks she only needs one carseat and that people with more than two strollers are dumb but she should just register for multiples and not have to run out and keep buying stuff like I did. Too funny!

    • This is why I need to just give you some cash and you can go shopping FOR me. I’d end up with new clothes but wouldn’t have to deal with the panic/guilt of the actual shopping/purchasing process! Please do this for me next time you’re in town? 🙂

  5. Pingback: Pro Tip for Traveling With a Newborn: Don’t Do It | The Baby Is Fine

  6. Totally great list!!! I always get swaddlers and a white noise machine for baby showers—two things I couldn’t live without. Matthew still uses his white noise machine and he is almost 7!!! (And my BEST sleeper!) I got rid of the diaper genie…little did I know I’d still be changing diapers almost 12 years later. Would have been worth the money!!! 😉

    P.S. What happened to “only my mom comments”??? Wow!!!

  7. Pingback: Weekend Wrap-up: Sore Neck Tube Edition | The Baby Is Fine

  8. I was lucky when I registered because my sister had a six-month-old and just went around the store with me saying “you need this, you don’t need that.” So efficient. I laughed at your list, though. So much truth in there. Happy SITS day from a fellow worrywart!

  9. I laughed! What’s funny is that we had the opposite experience – people bought us all this *stuff* for our babies that we never even opened. My one splurge is the fancy stroller because I will walk anywhere in almost any weather!

    Happy SITS Day!

    (For our wedding, we didn’t register… so people just gave us $$$)

    • First…your blog name…LOVE.

      As for your comment – that’s totally what I thought was going to happen (that we’d have a bunch of junk we’d never need). But I guess I went overboard with that assumption since I was missing so much! Plus, I was really, really tired those first few weeks and would have purchased literally anything that said “helps babies sleep!” on it.

  10. LOL…LOL! Yes! It is amazing how we feel we will never need those things until the baby actually comes! Mine were bottles (I thought I was going to breast feed), the swaddling blanket (like you), and that additional carseat as well! We live and we learn! I was definitely prepared the second time around!

  11. Love this list. I absolutely and totally understand every one if these purchases. Great commentary! 🙂

    Happy SITS day!

  12. I already have bookmarked on Etsy multiple baby-related products, and I don’t even have any children of my own yet. (It’s just so darn cute!) I have been enjoying reading your posts, happy SITS day!

  13. Haha I love this. One thing I thought was pointless, and so I STILL don’t have one is a wipes warmer. But now I desperately want one because our place isn’t too cold, but the wipes sure are so my daughter hates being changed. And can you blame her? I wouldn’t want someone to touch my arm with one of those cold things, let alone my downstairs regions. Especially after being in a nice warm diaper.

    Umbrella strollers are freakin’ amazing too.

    As for the diaper genie.. I had one, but got rid of it.

  14. “I can’t do it! I just cannot ask people to buy us this cookware! We could find it on for half the price!!!”

    It seems to me that the answer here is to register at instead. Problem solved. 🙂

  15. Womb sounds though? Wow! I have a hard time spending money on myself too, but I must say that I hadn’t spent it on womb sounds. Lol. Gotta love it. Happy SITS Day!

  16. what a GREAT POST!!!!! I am TOTALLY a clumpy mascara only buy it if it’s necessary or on sale kinda girl too!!! So fun to read… kids change us don’t they??? 🙂 Happy SITS day!!!

  17. It is so true the things that we discover we really need that we thought we’d be too cool or industrious to need. 🙂 It works the other way, too…things I thought I’d die without that I then never used. Great post. Happy SITS day!

  18. I remember when I was pregnant with our first, our neighbors told me that after having a baby, it wouldn’t be long before I would no longer be able to fit my car in the garage. He was right – kids require so. much. stuff. And then there’s the stuff that you could get rid of, but you don’t because you may decide down to road to have another baby.

  19. Oh my gosh. I felt the same about most of those items on your list until smarter people than me who already had babies told me to rethink that. I sent out my registry and a friend called and said I didn’t have enough things on it. SOOOOOO glad I listened.

  20. I don’t have a baby, but I can certainly relate to the guilt. I always feel guilty buying myself…well, just about anything! The one thing I allow myself to splurge on is travel. Happy SITS Day! Cute site!

  21. I have been out of the baby stage for almost 4 years now (thank goodness!), and while I didn’t have everything from your list I did have some – the diaper genie, bottle warmer, and extra car seat were a god sent!! However, I most definitely can relate to spending more on others than I do on myself. In fact, I just recently went on a bit of a shopping spree and had to give myself a pep talk before I entered the stores “You will buy something for yourself, NOT the kids!!!”. Such a funny post! So glad you were featured today on SITS!

  22. I think I waver somewhere in the middle of your before and after. I buy all the cute clothes at the end of season for the next year, and my youngest slept in a playpen for almost his first year (in our walk-in closet at that, but let’s not go there!). Great list. 🙂

      • Yes, he was originally in our room but would wake up in the middle of the night and say, “Mamamamamamamamamamamamama” until I got up with him. Once we put him in the closet it stopped and he started sleeping through the night. Our closet was big enough that we could fit our stuff on one side and he had the other, thankfully. I also learned early that room temperature bottles were best for my kids, so I’d boil water in the morning and once it cooled to room temp it would last the day. Best ever. 🙂

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