Quote of the Day: Bathtime Edition

The scene: Mama is bathing baby. In typical fashion, Bubba is splashing, eating the toys, taking giant gag-worthy slurps of disgusting bathwater (complete with his own filth and plenty of bubble bath), and alternating between attempting to stand up and trying to “swim” to the other side of the tub (equally dangerous pursuits).

Daddy is hanging out in the bathroom as well, keeping Mama company but staying well out of the splash zone. His bathtime participation is limited to Glorified Towel Rack.

After half-diving into the tub for the umpteenth time to rescue Bubba from certain doom (unfortunately, “sit on your bottom, Bubs!” apparently translates to “STAND UP AND GET THAT SHAMPOO BOTTLE! YOU CAN DO IT! NOW SWIM, SWIM!” in baby babble), Mama is soaking wet and has decided to put an end to bathtime.

Mama (to Daddy): “Alright, I’m over this. Hand me that towel. He’s having fun, but I’m irritated.”

Daddy: “I have a feeling you’ll be saying that a lot over the course of the next 17 years…”


4 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Bathtime Edition

  1. Carly has never done anything but stand in the bathtub. Her bottom has not touched the tub, ever. She was standing pretty early so I think it coincided with her graduation to the big tub from the little baby bath. At 2.5 she still refuses to sit. So no splish-splash pretend swimming for her. But because she is standing and we don’t want her to freeze we have to fill the tub up pretty high. She will wait for the moment I glance away to just start flinging water out of the tub with her hands. And if she is lucky enough to have a cup, to just dump it out on the floor. how early can I graduate her to a shower, since she is standing anyway?????

    • My dad would usually take a baby in with him for his Saturday evening shower, so we all got used to it. He grew up in an era when the only bathing day was Saturday (he’d be 96 now if alive)and it was a help to my mom when he got a baby washed up.

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