The Crazy Files, Volume I: Baby Cam!

My radar is detecting some nearby insanity! Oh, it’s just mom.

As I explained in my introduction, I’m a bit of a crazy person when it comes to mothering (and everything else… but this blog is about my craziness with respect to my child, so we’ll stay with that theme).

I have a tendency to assume bad things are going to happen to me. When I was pregnant, I spent the whole 9 months saying (to myself – I don’t want people to know I’m crazy!): “don’t get too excited – if you do, the universe will punish you for your arrogant optimism and cause something to go awry!” Strangely, the baby being born perfectly healthy didn’t assuage my fears as much as one might hope – instead, I just have a million new things to worry about!

(If that sounds like a terrible way to live, you’re right! It totally is. I’m working on it, I swear. The most effective way to work on something is to pretend everything is fine, right? Ok, great.)

There’s more! Keep reading!