What a Difference a Year Makes…Happy Thanksgiving!

All day yesterday, I kept getting tripped out that last Thanksgiving I was a million months pregnant:

And I spent most of the holiday sitting on the couch, my nieces running over every five minutes to feel their soon-to-be cousin kick:

Now just one year later, that baby is playing with/eating his cousins’ toys:

And he can walk and climb and get into trouble:

And eat actual Thanksgiving food (tentatively) like a real human being:

And does cute stuff I never would have imagined a year ago, like attempting to hide in a box when I’m trying to change his damn clothes:

(how I wish that last photo wasn’t so blurry!)

Needless to say, it was easily my best Thanksgiving yet. Even though the baby refused to smile on command for a darling family photo:

Still cute.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankful Thursday: Dr Pepper Crisis!

In honor of this delightfully alliterative theme, I briefly considered sharing some things for which I am sincerely grateful — stuff like my perfect son, my hilarious husband, the magic of fountain Dr Pepper, Lifetime docudramas…you know, the usual. I’m sure your list is largely the same.

That sounds pretty boring, though, and despite what my other blog posts may have led you to believe, I actually make a concerted effort not to be exceedingly boring (with varying degrees of success). So forget that sappy shit. Let’s throw down some more un-sent “thank you” notes:

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