How Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible etc etc Bad Day Confirmed I’m Doing OK

Alexander and his shitty day

Alternate title: Alexander the Cranky Brat and his Negligent, Cold-Hearted Mother

Now that we live in suburbia and have access to a delightfully clean, well-stocked and 99% hobo-free library, one of my first orders of business was to get Bubba hooked up with his very own library card so he could start enjoying the excitement of a constant rotation of new reading material. (Also, they have kickin’ air conditioning in there and it’s a fabulous way to kill an hour on a hot afternoon.) After spending a few minutes knocking down every block in the children’s area and likely annoying everyone in the entire building, Bubba turned his attention to the books and made some selections. Based on the cover illustration alone — he was intrigued by that upside-down skateboard on Alexander’s filthy floor — the first book he chose for his foray into library patronage was the 1970’s-era monstrosity Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.

Have you read this thing? Somehow I missed it in my own childhood (the grumpy scowl on that punk’s face would have precluded me from ever so much as touching this book, I assure you), but after reading it with my son no fewer than six bajillion times in the past five days (conservative estimate), I can safely say I was not missing out on anything. This innocent-looking tale is riddled with terrible behavior from the titular Alexander, and the treatment he receives from his virtually absentee mother raises some alarming red flags.

The plot of the book is simple: Alexander spends the entire book sulking about everyday irritations that should not, under normal circumstances, be cause for more than a passing complaint, much less be cited as ruining your entire freakin’ day: tripping on a skateboard, having to eat lima beans, and being relegated to the middle seat during car pool. I’ll give him a pass on his friend being mean to him and the dentist discovering a cavity; either of those can certainly put a damper on your day — but the rest of his complaints are just plain over the top.

Even Bubba was baffled by Alexander’s attitude. For starters, the dear lad couldn’t quite wrap his head around the concept of a “bad day” in general. “But why he not cheer up, Mama?” He asked, quite reasonably. “He gonna be happy a little bit later!”

And, like me, he found Alexander’s level of upset to be disproportionate to his problems. There’s a scene where Alexander bemoans the lack of treats in his lunchbox whilst his pals devour chocolate and cupcakes (and really, Albert’s mom? TWO cupcakes in your kid’s lunchbox? Good luck with that diabetes diagnosis next year), and while Bubba was somewhat sympathetic to Alexander in this particular instance (who wouldn’t want a little dessert?), he was also quick to point out that Alexander was leaving the rest of his perfectly good lunch un-touched. “It’s OK, Alexander,” he said consolingly, speaking directly to the book. “Don’t forget about your sammich! And you gots some milk over there!!”

Seriously, Alexander: a freakin’ toddler is telling you to take a chill pill. Simmer down, drama queen.

Even worse than Alexander’s bitching and moaning, though, is his mother’s reaction — or shall I say, her non-reaction — to Alexander’s plight. Sure, Alexander is undoubtedly overreacting to 99% of his “bad day,” but he is just a kid, and we all know that kids can be kind of emotionally stupid at times. So where are the hugs? The kind words? The encouragement? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND, that’s where. Never ONCE does this woman so much as cast a kind look in her poor kid’s direction, much less lay a tender hand upon his disheveled little head! The closest we get to seeing some compassion from this monster is on the penultimate page, when Alexander remarks that his mom says “some days are like that.” Gee, thanks, Mom. I totally feel better now.

And I swear I’m not just overanalyzing things — Bubba noticed her absence, too! “Why his mama not help him?” he inquired when Alexander complained about his bath being too hot. “Why his mama be mad at him with da mud?” he demanded after Alexander got into a muddy tussle with his brother. Most touchingly (and saddest of all for Alexander), Bubba took note of the lack of space for Alexander’s mother in Alexander’s bed (we do a lot cuddling around these parts, and Bubba’s bed contains one pillow for him and one for me to use when I’m in there with him). “There’s no space for his mama!” He cried. “Where’s her pillow?! How they gonna do some hugs?”

Yes, Alexander’s mother, explain yourself: HOW YOU GONNA DO SOME HUGS?

While I’m thoroughly annoyed with this book at this point (and we still have two more weeks before we have to return it! HELP), I am glad we borrowed it, as it has done wonders for my confidence as a mother. The fact that even at his young age, Bubba is wise enough to recognize the need to keep things in perspective instead of flipping out over a lack of dessert in your lunch seems like a pretty good accomplishment…and while I’m not sure what I did to make him think like that, I’ll go ahead and take credit for his maturity since I’m his mom and thus it must be related to my awesome parenting. This is not a kid who’s going to let a little muddy puddle ruin his day:



But when a bad day does eventually rear its ugly head, Bubba knows he should be able to rely on me for comfort and encouragement — and that feels like an even bigger accomplishment. Keep that space in bed ready for me, Bud.

I NEED SYRUP (and other crack-of-dawn ramblings)

Rain or shine, sick or healthy, weekend or weekday, you can bet that Bubba will be wide awake by 6:30am. Every morning starts the same, with him hollering “MAMA!” and me hopping out of bed to rush into his room. I know my hurry is not really necessary; he’d almost certainly be just fine in there for a few minutes. But I continue with my daily mad dash because he’s still my baby and I don’t want him to feel scared or alone even for one moment, especially first thing in the morning.

see how sweet he is, even when he passes out naked on the floor?

Also, he says hilarious shit that I don’t want to miss. Bubba does not bother with small talk or salutations — he launches right into conversation the moment I walk through his door. I don’t know if it’s because he’s half asleep or if he’s riffing on a dream from which he just awoke, or if perhaps he’s been thinking deep thoughts all night and I’m just not privy to the context behind his musings, but each morning I am greeted with a unique observation or proclamation far more amusing than your typical “good morning.” I’ve started jotting down my favorites so they don’t get lost in the deep recesses of my overworked brain:


He’s a man who knows what he likes, folks.

Connie [our dog] is barking SO MUCH!

She wasn’t barking. At all.

Do you have a bagel for Ryan?

Sure, but why is Ryan talking in third person?

It’s not raining! The sun is shining! Yay!

It was still dark outside and he hadn’t so much as glanced out the window to confirm that weather report.

I am NOT closing my eyes.

OK then.

You have a computer?


Remember crying?


The poop…is far away.

I…don’t know what this means.

No pillow! Only the stripey sheet!

The offending pillow was then cheerfully tossed into my face.

R is for ROBOT!

That’s true.


YES MASTER. Just kidding, I love this.


I can only hope that Bubba continues delivering these daily nuggets of wisdom at least until he starts sleeping a little later, because getting up at the crack of dawn would not be nearly as enjoyable without them. Now bring me some SYRUP!!!

Things Bubba NEEDS (According to Him)

Like most small children, when Bubba likes something, he’s typically not content to admire it from afar. No, he’d much prefer to just have whatever it is he’s set his sights on, and the sooner the better; he doesn’t “want” things, he “needs” them. In the past few days alone, Bubba has informed me — with urgency! — that he needs the following items:

A fast motorcycle

A treasure chest (?!)

A skateboard (a real one, not a toy — he clarified)

Some peanut butter crackers (at 2am)

A trash truck (presumably full-size and functional; perhaps he can get a job and bring in some money?)

A tow truck (see above; we already have a toy tow truck, but apparently that is not sufficient)

An orange bus (i.e. an actual giant Los Angeles public transit vehicle)

A school bus (perhaps he plans to drive this during the day and then pick up some night shifts with the orange bus)

More lollipops

A zebra

A blue Lightning McQueen car (I don’t think that exists; isn’t his red color essential to LM’s very essence?)

And a dinosaur.


Fortunately, obtaining all of these exciting items shouldn’t be any trouble at all — Bubba knows what to do. After each request, he follows up with one more demand: “I need to go to Target.”

Test Your Toddler-Logic Savvy!

My dear Bubba is a very intelligent child, if I do say so myself (and I do!). I’m continually amazed by his ever-expanding breadth of knowledge: he knows all the letters in the alphabet (in order!) and can count to ten (not always in order), and his vocabulary seems to grow exponentially by the week. Why, just yesterday he correctly informed me that his M&M was both “yellow” and “a little smushed!”

Of course, he is only two, so there are a some gaps. He doesn’t let something silly like “not knowing what something means” stop him, though! No sir, if he isn’t familiar with something or doesn’t have the right words to explain what he means, Bubba is happy to take a guess or just use a word he does know and forge right ahead. Sometimes he hits the nail right on the head, but other times his logic proves to be a bit flawed. These are the best times, because the results are hilarious!

It can be a bit tricky to figure out what he’s talking about, however. Being his mother, I consider myself an expert, but I know not everyone is as skilled in the Toddler Logic arena. I’ve devised a simple quiz to assess one’s ability to sort out the true meaning behind a toddler’s seemingly nonsensical blabbering. Let’s see how you stack up:

1) When Bubba pointed to something in the bathroom and announced that it was “cheese,” what was he actually looking at?

a) a bath toy
b) a bar of citrus-y soap that admittedly looks a bit like a delicious block of mild cheddar
c) mom’s makeup

2) Bubba pointed at a pizza and shouted that there were “BUGS” on it. While I’m not the best cook in the world, I assure you I most certainly do not incorporate bugs into my meals. What ingredient was he mistaking?

a) wilted spinach
b) pepperoni
c) mushrooms

3) What does Bubba continually insist is a “bike,” causing embarrassment for Mama each time he sees one and runs over in an attempt to play with it?

a) strollers
b) skateboards
c) wheelchairs with annoyed-looking elderly people at the helm

4) When Bubba says something is “too spicy,” what does he really mean?

a) he just doesn’t like that food

b) he would prefer to eat candy

c) the food is fine but it’s really fun to say “spicy”

d) any or all of the above

the one time he actually did accidentally eat something spicy

5) Why does Bubba say he has a boo-boo every night at bedtime?

a) because he actually has a boo-boo

b) because he likes bandaids and wants one

c) because he has figured out that claiming injury is the best way to get Mom to let him out of bed, thanks to her inability to take a hard stance on this nonsense (what if he really had a boo-boo?!)

6) Bubba is confused about what exactly qualifies as a “park.” Which of the below places has Bubba referred to as a park?

a) a slide at the elementary school

b) the waiting room of a doctor’s office

c) a baseball field

d) the beach

e) the swingset at Grandma’s house

f) all of the above, along with literally any location outside our house where there are other kids and/or something to play with

above: actually a park


  1. b (I know he’s just a child, but I would like to know what makes him think cheese would ever be stored in a bathroom for any reason)
  2. a (I will concede that spinach kind of tastes like it could be bugs)
  3. c (at least he hasn’t tried to ride one…yet)
  4. d (it’s pretty cute, at least)
  5. c (I’m a sucker)
  6. f (seriously, even the waiting room!)

How’d you do? Are you a Toddler Logic expert, or would a day with Bubba leave your head spinning?