(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: The Best Place Ever

Last weekend, my sister and I took Bubba and her kids to an indoor play place. Unlike Chuck E. Cheese’s (AKA my worst nightmare), this place was clean, bright, and didn’t appear to be harboring any kidnappers. Plus, it was air conditioned!

Naturally, Bubba had the time of his life:

He didn’t even mind when he took a tumble courtesy of his cousin barreling into him on the bizarre merry-go-round thing:

If you need me this summer, this is where you’ll find me. Did I mention it was air conditioned in there?

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: EXCITEMENT!

Bubba is an excitable little fellow. He’s been known to get pumped up about all manner of life’s simple pleasures, including…

Playing in the dirt:

Climbing onto a chair he’s never sat on before:

Looking at photos of dump trucks:

Spotting a helicopter:


Wearing sunglasses indoors:

And taking a doll for a wild ride with his cousin’s toy stroller:

Life is just full of excitement, isn’t it?

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: The Best 3 Days of Bubba’s Life

Bubba has had quite an exciting few days. Granted, it doesn’t take much to excite a toddler…

First, on Sunday, we went to a birthday party for my niece held at The Little Gym. If you’re unfamiliar, The Little Gym is basically just a giant room with a bunch of mats and stuff for kids to climb around on. Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t describe that very well. What I meant to say was that it is TODDLER HEAVEN:

He loved it so much I couldn’t even get a good picture of him, because he was moving around too fast — with the exception of the two photos above, every shot I took that day came out like this:

So he was already having a pretty good weekend. But then on Monday we upped the ante by going to a Memorial Day festival at the beach…and due to holiday parking issues, we had to park off-site and take a shuttle bus down to the beach. Did you know that toddlers LOVE busses? Apparently, they do, because Bubba was just beside himself with excitement:

I think he could have stared out that window and watched the cars in the neighboring lanes for an hour.

And it got even better when we arrived at the beach, since he got to partake in his all-time favorite activity: THROWING SAND EVERYWHERE!!!

Finally, just when he thought life couldn’t get any better, I blew his mind yesterday by doing a google image search for “dump trucks” and then handing him the iPad to scroll through. I might as well have given him an actual dump truck, judging by his level of excitement. Maybe for Christmas this year I’ll just show him pictures of toys instead of giving him actual presents:


I hope your week is going as well as Bubba’s — but I doubt it!

(Almost) Wordless Wednesay: Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day 2012 was my first as a Certified Mama. Bubba was five months old, so one might think that at that point I would have had plenty of time to adjust to the crazy parenting life and not be so frazzled, but you’d be wrong.

I was too exhausted to give much thought to taking quality photos, for one thing. We tried for one family photo and then I was over it, despite the blurry result:

I also made a rookie mistake that day, neglecting to pack enough costume changes for our afternoon at my mom’s house. Bubba spent most of the day naked:

And I think I spent a total of 16 seconds on my own appearance, which certainly seemed to alarm poor Bubba:

This year, I’ve got my shit together! I put on makeup like a normal person and dressed the baby in his most dapper duds:

Of course, that darling hat only stayed on his head for a grand total of less than 2 seconds (I’m amazed TFW was even able to snap a single photo as evidence of the fleeting cuteness), but he still looked adorable in his remaining finery:

Like last year, though, he wound up naked by the end of the day:

It’s good to see not too much has changed.

Happy Mother’s Day!

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Backyard Bliss!

Thanks to a hand-me-down water/sand table, some thrift store trucks, and a couple of two dollar rubber balls from Target, our backyard now has more to offer dear Bubba than lemons and a deflated basketball.

(Please look closely and note that he is trying to place the small trucks on the seat of the big truck…to take them for a ride, I guess?)

But despite all these fun new distractions, he always returns to his one true love:

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday (On Friday): Backyard Boredom

I didn’t think of sharing these pathetic photos in time for a real Wordless Wednesday earlier this week, and I’m neither patient enough to just save this post for next Wednesday nor creative enough to think of a catchy alliterative title involving “Friday” (“Phraseless Photo Phriday,” anyone?), so I’m just rolling with it despite the calendar. Furthermore, I have no intention of actually refraining from using words, so a solid 80% of the title is a lie.

The part about Backyard Boredom is accurate, though!

Like most toddlers, Bubba enjoys exploring and playing outside. Unfortunately for him, unlike most mothers, I am a terrible human being and have done nothing to make our backyard remotely hospitable or enjoyable for a youngster. Poor Bubba has just a few options for outdoor fun:

Pick, eat, and throw lemons:

Carry around and/or chase a deflated basketball (which, as previously mentioned, may or may not have been left behind the garage by the previous tenants):

Pick up (and throw) sticks:

Climb over the useless little brick retaining wall thingy:

And of course, my personal favorite, wander around aimlessly looking for something to play with:

Someone send this kid a tricycle or something, please.